Saturday, January 18, 2014

Old TCAS/ATC on B737

Typical Instrument Panel

Figure 10-33 shows the captain’s instrument panel in a Boeing 747. At the upper left is the indi­cated airs peed/mach meter. Below it is a DME in­dicator, and below that is an RMI. The attitude director indicator has a decision height light in the upper right corner of the instrument and a test button in the lower left corner. The two blank win­dows at the top of the horizontal situation indicator shows No. 1 and No. 2 INS distance to go.
Below the HSI is the captain's flight director computer selector. At the top right is a panel which contains flight director and autopilot mode annun­ciation in the center. The warning light to the left is used by the auto throttle system, and the warning light to the right is used by the autopilot system. The circles above the warning lights are photo-electric cells used to regulate the illumination intensity on this panel.
At the middle left in the radio altitude indicator is the index bug (white triangle), set by the decision height selector knob at the bottom. The barometric altimeter is to the right of the radio altitude indicator and to the right of that are the three marker beacon lights. To the right of the vertical speed indicator is a 24-hour clock.

Figure 10-33



RMI Pointer Signal Development

Figure 10-34 is concerned only with the development of the signal which causes the RMI needle to point at the VOR station.
The VOR/RMI needle position is relative to the case of the instrument. Regardless of what the compass card may show (compass section of the RMI is operative or not), as long as the signal to the needle is correct, it points at the station in the same way that an ADF needle points at its received station.
Remember that in order for this needle to point at the station, two kinds of information must be combined (Figure 10-5). One is the receiver position relative to the VOR station (on which radial it is located), the other is the airplane heading. The combining of these two information bits is accomplished in the differential synchro in the VOR receiver.
Heading, from one of the repeated heading transmitters in the compass system, is given to the stator of the differential synchro. The position of the rotor of the differential synchro is a direct function of the particular radial on which the receiver is located. So the output from the differential synchro is the combination of heading and position information.
This output goes to the stator of the “free swinging rotor synchro” in the RMI indicator to which the RMI needle is attached. The rotor lines itself up with the magnetic field appearing in the stator. If we keep the airplane in the same position while changing its heading, as we do on a compass rose, the field in the stator of the differential synchro moves in accordance with heading changes. This causes the RMI needle to move by the same amount. If the RMI compass card is functioning. The card and the needle move together.
If we maintain a constant airplane heading while changing radials, as in flying by a VOR station off to one side of the airplane, the heading signal does not change, but the differential synchro rotor moves, causing the RMI needle to move around, pointing to the station all the time.
Compare this diagram with Figure 10-17. The differential synchro rotor is positioned according to the VOR radial position of the receiver. An aircraft heading signal from the compass system is present in the stator of that synchro; the signal handed over to the RMI needle synchro is therefore the algebraic sum of position and heading.
Only two things can change the position of the RMI needle – change in airplane position, or a change in airplane heading.

Figure 10-34


RMI Indication When Passing VOR

Figure 10-35 illustrates some RMI indications. As the airplane changes its position with respect to the VOR station, it simultaneously changes its heading. The result of this combination of signals always results in the needle pointing at the station.

Figure 10-35

RMI Indication Around VOR
Figure 10-36 shows a variety of airplane situations and the corresponding RMI indications. In order to see the indicator as the pilot sees it in his panel, rotate the indicator so that the lubber the appears at the top.

Figure 10-36

HSI VOR Presentation Illustrations

The primary purpose of the following series of illustrations is to demonstrate the Horizontal situation indicator “map-like” presentation of airplane position relative to a selected VOR course. Here 0˚ has been selected as shown by the course select cursor at 0˚ (a localizer presentation would be similar). In the HSI, airplane position is represented by the airplane symbol fixed to the glass, while radio course is represented by they deviation needle.
The hypothetical “tear drop” flight path does not cross the “to-from” radials (90˚ and 270˚), so the “to” arrow is always in view. Only when the airplane crosses the selected course (0˚ or 180˚) does the deviation needle move to the other side of center (reference Figures 10-20 to 10-22, and 10-28 to 10-32).
Validity of the HSI course indication relative to the airplane symbol results from rotation of the inner mask in following the compass card movements as the airplane turns. For example, in this series, when the airplane is not on the radial it is always to its left of the radial, yet the deviation needle crosses over carter when the airplane crosses the 180˚ radial.
The flight path section of these illustrations is rotated each time as necessary to show the airplane headed toward the top of the page. This technique facilitates the viewer’s correlation of airplane flight position with instrument information.
The Distance Measuring Equipment distance from the VOR station is shown in the upper left center of the HIS. RMI needles always point at the station.

On Selected Radial — "To" Arrow Points At Station

Figure 10-37

Leaving Selected Radial At 35° Angle – 3/4 Dot Deviation

Selected Radial Behind and to the Right – Deviation Needle pegged

Figure 10-39


Parallel To Selected Radial On The Right

Figure 10-40


Selected Radial Ahead And The Right --
"To" Arrow Does Not Point At Station

Figure 10-41

Two Dots (10°) Away From Selected Radial

Figure 10-42

On Selected Radial – Deviation Needle Centered-
"To" Arrow Points At Station

Figure 10-43

Two Dots Away From Selected Redial --
Deviation Needle On Other Side Of Center

Figure 10-44

Selected Radial Behind And To The Right--
"To" Arrow Does Not Point At Station

Figure 10-45

Parallel To Selected Radial On The Right
(Reference 10-40)

Figure 10-46

Approaching Radial At 28° Angle – 1/2 Dot Deviation

Figure 10-47

On Selected Radial – "To" Arrow Points At Station

Figure 10-48

Air Traffic Control (ATC)

ATC Transponder Principle

Figure 12-1 illustrates the ATC transponder principle. The ATC is distinguished from the pri­mary surveillance radar. The primary surveillance radar, used by the air traffic control ground station, provides the ground station operator with a symbol on his surveillance radar scope of every aircraft in his area. The primary surveillance radar is a reflection type radar system not requiring any response from the aircraft.
The primary and secondary surveillance radar antennas are mounted on the same rotating mounting, and therefore both always look in the same direction at the same time.
The secondary surveillance radar system uses what is called an “ATC transponder” in the aircraft. The ATC transponder is a transmitter/receiver which transmits in response to an interrogation from the ground station secondary surveillance radar system. When no ATC reply is made from the aircraft under surveillance, the indication on the ground radar scope is a single short line, like the one at about 7 o’clock. If an ordinary ATC reply is made, the aircraft indication on the radar scope is like the two close to the sweep line.
The aircraft transponder reply can include a special code which identifies that particular airplane on the scope. If the pilot receives instructions from the ground station to do so, he presses his “ident” button on his control panel. This causes the display on the radar scope to change, so that the ground station operator can be positive of his particular location on the radar scope. The transponder can also transmit aircraft altitude information, which can then be displayed to the ground station operator.
The ATC transponder system is an outgrowth of the war-time identification “friend or foe”, and all commercial aircraft presently use it.
The Air traffic Control (ATC) system allows controllers to track airplane movement on ground radar displays.
The ground station monitors the airplane’s altitude and identification, and computes its range, bearing and airspeed.
The altitude and identification of the airplane is transmitted to the ground station by an on-board transponder. This information is sent in response to interrogation signals from the ground station.


Figure 12-1

ATC Transponder System

Figure 12-5 shows the pilot’s control panel for the ATC system. The switch in the lower left corner of the panel marked “altitude source” is a two-position switch by which the pilot can select No. 1 or No. 2 central air data computer to give altitude information to the ATC transponder. Two sets of knobs of two each are below the “code” digital readout. Each knob controls one digit. A total of 4,096 codes are available.
At the request of the ground station, the pilot selects a particular code. The selector knob in the upper left corner of the control panel selects the ATC system desired for use. With the knob in “stand by” position, an otherwise long warm up can be eliminated prior to actual use without putting the ATC system into full-time operation.
The button marked “ident” below the digital readout is the one which the pilot uses at the request of the ground station for identification on the ground radar scope. Each display is unique from other aircraft radar returns.
The upper right switch is a mode select switch. Mode A is ordinary used for domestic operation and mode B is ordinarily in Europe. Mode C puts the transponder in condition for transmitting altitude information alternately with code information (Figure 12-4). Since mode C is no longer used the altitude information is transmitted by the aircraft transponder, if the altitude report switch is on and either mode A or mode B is selected.
The ground station transmits on 1,030 MHz. If the pilot has selected mode A (Figure 12-2), the transponder will reply only to an interrogation which consists of two pulses eight microseconds apart. If the pilot has selected mode B, the transponder will reply only if the interrogation consists of two pulses separated by 17 microseconds.

                    Figure 12-2

ATC Transponder System (cont'd.)

Figure 12-4 shows a digitized altitude or code reply by the aircraft transponder. This figure shows all 14 possible pulse positions and the identi­fication pulse. The first and the last are framing pulses and will always be present (there is never a pulse in the middle open space). The other pulses will or will not be present in their allotted spaces, depending upon the altitude code (submitted by the central air data computer), or by the aircraft code (submitted by the control panel). By the rela­tive timing of the aircraft transponder transmis­sion pulse groups and identification pulses, the ground station distinguishes between altitude and code pulses.
Figure 12-3 shows a simplified block of the aircraft transponder system. A single antenna is used for both the receiver and the transmitter.
A duplex arrangement switches the antenna back and forth between the receiver and transmitter as required. The information from the receiver goes to the decoder then to the encoder, which determines whether the transmitter will transmit The air data computer supplies coded altitude information to the encoder, and the control pane supplies selected code information to the encoder.
The two DME systems and the two transponder systems are interconnected by a suppressor bus which prevents transmission from more than one system at a time.

                      Figure 12-2





Operation sequence
The ground secondary surveillance radar (SSR) and the airborne TCAS system interrogate the airborne transponder in one of two modes. The type of interrogation is determined by the spacing between two pulses (P1 and P3) transmitted on a carrier frequency of 1030 ±2Mhz.    Each interrogation contains a third pulse at the same frequency which is not transmitted by the SSR but by an omnidirectional antenna located with the SSR.   This pulse, P2, is transmitted 2 uses after the P1 pulse.    By comparing the relative amplitude of the P1 and P2 pulses, the airborne transponder can determine whether or not the airplane is in the main lobe of the SSR.    In the figure, airplane A in the main lobe will receive a P1 pulse of a higher amplitude than P2 (at least 6 dB higher required for response) , and recognize the interrogation as coming from the main beam.    The situation is reversed for airplane B, and the P2 pulse will be of the same or greater amplitude than the P1 pulse.   The transponder in airplane B will not reply.



Operation sequence
The transponder replies to mode A or mode C interrogations with coded pulses on a carrier frequency of 1090 ±3 Mhz,
For a mode A reply, the coded pulses represent a four digit octal code entered on the ATC control panel by the pilot, The four digits give the transponder the capability to reply with one of 4096 possible mode A codes. For a mode C reply, the coded pulses represent altitude data from the Air Data Computer.   The pulses within a mode C reply correspond to a specific altitude value.   Altitude values range from -1000 to +126,750 feet in 100 foot increments.

The reply code may consist of up to fifteen pulses.    Two framing pulses identify the beginning (F1), and the end (F2) of each reply signal.    Up to twelve pulses, occurring between the framing pulses, supply the mode A or C data. In mode A replies, after the last framing pulse, an identification pulse (IP) can occur.    If the pilot presses the INDENT button on the ATC control panel, the IP will be transmitted for 18 sec.   And the ground radar operator will see an enhanced target on the radarscope.


Mode S interrogation
In a mode S environment, both ATCRBS and mode S equipped airplanes can operate at the same time.    Mode S, TCAS and ATCRBS interrogators may also be operating simultaneously in the same airspace.    Mode S interrogators use "all call" interrogations and discrete interrogations.    There are two types of all call interrogations.    The mode S/ATCRBS all call is used to interrogate ATCRBS transponders and to elicit the unique node S address from mode S transponders; the mode S only all call elicits the mode S address - an ATCRBS airplane will not reply.   After gaining the mode S address from a transponder, the interrogator will "lock out" the transponder from replying to later all call interrogations and interrogate the transponder using discrete interrogations. An additional signal, the ATCRBS all call, is used to interrogate ATCRBS transponders only; mode S transponders will not reply.    Discrete interrogations are used to interrogate mode S transponders only; ATCRBS transponders will not reply.

Mode S/ATCRBS All Calls, ATCRBS Only All Calls and Mode S Only All Calls

Figure A shows a mode S/ATCRBS all call or ATCRBS only all call interrogation.   The P1, P2 and P3 pulses are the same as in the ATCRBS interrogation.    The additional P4 pulse is ignored by an ATCRBS transponder and an ATCRBS transponder will respond based on normal criteria.    The mode S transponder evaluates the P4 pulse,    if the P4 pulse is 1.6 usec, the mode S transponder identifies the interrogation as a mode S/ATCRBS all call/ and the transponder will respond (if not previously locked out) with its unique 24 bit address.    If the P4 pulse is 0.8 usec, then the mode S transponder identifies the interrogation as an ATCRBS only interrogation and will not respond.    If the P4 pulse is absent, then the mode S transponder will reply with the appropriated ATCRBS response.    The mode S only all call is sent in the same format as the mode S discrete interrogations except that the address being interrogated is all logic ones.    All mode S transponders in the main Lobe of this interrogation and not locked out to that interrogator will respond with their unique address.



Mode S discrete interrogation

Figure B shows a mode S discrete interrogation.    There are 24 different discrete interrogations possible and these discrete interrogations are called uplink formats.   Uplink formats can be 112 or 56 bits in Length.    Examples of uplink formats are:    short air to air surveillance; surveillance, altitude request; and surveillance, identity request.    In the uplink format, pulses P1 and P2 are of the same amplitude; ATCRBS transponders will not reply.  1.5 usec after the beginning of the P2 pulse, the mode S interrogator begins the P6 pulse.    The P5 pulse is a 4 MHz continuous wave.   2.75 usec after the. Beginning of the P2 pulse, the P6 signal reverses the phase of the 4 MHz wave,.    This reversal is called the sync phase reversal.  If the mode S transponder senses the sync phase reversal, the transponder will evaluate the address to which the interrogation is addressed. If the interrogation is addressed to that transponder, the transponder will reply.    Another pulse, P5 is in phase with the beginning P6 wave and is transmitted from an omnidirectional antenna at the same time as the sync phase reversal occurs.    If the mode S transponder is in the side lobe of the interrogator, the PS pulse will mask the sync phase reversal and the transponder will not respond.    All mode S uplink formats have the address of the transponder being interrogated encoded in the interrogation.   The message data bits follow the sync phase reversal.    The logic ones and zeros are sent using differential phase shift keying (DPSK).   The 4 Mhz P6 signal after the sync phase reversal is divided into either 112 or 56 bit times.    If during a bit time the phase of the signal is reversed, that bit is a logic one; if the phase of the signal is not reversed, the bit is a logic zero.



Mode S Lock Out
When a transponder receives an all call interrogation, the transponder will respond with its unique mode S address if the transponder is not locked out to that interrogator.    Mode S   interrogators (ground stations and TCAS airplanes) send a lock out signal to mode S transponders after obtaining the transponder's address and placing the transponder on the interrogator's roll call. Transponders on the roll call are interrogated based on the interrogator's estimate of the position of that target.    At the time of interrogation, the lock out of that transponder is updated to keep the transponder locked out to that particular interrogator's ATCRBS or mode S all call requests.    Transponders can be Locked out up to 15 different interrogators and to one nonspecific interrogator at the same time.    The transponder tracks the around of time which it is been locked out to each interrogator.    If no lock out update is received in 18 seconds, the transponder will automatically "unlock" itself to that interrogator's all calls.  Also, transponders may be unlocked before the 18 seconds has expired by the interrogator.

Mode S Acquisition

Usually, interrogators transmit mode S/ATCRBS all calls and mode S all calls to obtain the mode S transponder’s address. However, in high traffic areas, transponders can be directed by the interrogator not to respond to every all call but respond to 1 all call in 4, 8, or 16. Because the transponders to which this command has been given respond in a random fashion, the interrogator has a better chance of receiving a response from only one airplane instead of getting responses from two or more airplanes at the same time. This method of acquiring transponders for the roll call is called stocastic acquisition. Also, ground stations can coordinate handling targets by communicating on land lines. If a target is leaving the area of control for one ground station and entering another, the first ground station can pass that airplane’s address and other data on phone lines to the next ground station. Thereby, the receiving ground station does not have to go through the acquisition process for that transponder.



Mode S Replies

Figure c shows a mode S reply.   The first four pulses form a preamble. The data bits (56 or 112) are transmitted using pulse position modulation (PPM).    PPM sends a logic one if the pulse is in the first portion of the bit time and a logic zero if the pulse is in the last portion of the bit time.   Bit time is 1 usec.   Responses are called downlink formats and the downlink format used by the transponder is based on the uplink format received from the interrogator.


Traffic Alert & Collision
Avoidance System (TCAS)




The TCAS (Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System):
— detects any aircraft equipped with transponder flying in its vicinity
— displays potential and predicted collision targets
— issues vertical orders to avoid conflict.
The TCAS is normally independent of the ground based air traffic control system.
The TCAS detection capability is limited to the intruders flying within a maximum range of

30 NM and within a maximum altitude of 2700 feet above or below the threatened aircraft.


The system includes:
- A single channel TCAS computer
- Two TCAS antennas
-Two mode S ATC transponders, one active the other in standby.
These transponders allow:
-Interface between the ATC / TCAS control panel and the TCAS computer
-Communication between the aircraft and intruders equipped with a TCAS system
- An ATC /TCAS control panel





The traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is an airborne system that interrogates mode A/C and mode S transponders in nearby aircraft and uses the replies to identify and display potential and predicted collision threats to the flight crew. The system protects a volume of air space around your own aircraft. Aural and visual advisories are provided to the flight crew to assure adequate separation when a system analysis of the intruding aircraft closure rate, derived from transponder replies, predict a penetration of the protected airspace.

Two types of advisories are provided – traffic alerts and resolution advisories. Traffic alerts provide the flight crew with the relative bearing and distance to intruding aircraft that are approximately 40 seconds from CPA. This alert provides guidance to the flight crew to aid in visually acquiring the intruding aircrafts no maneuvers are commanded. A resolution advisory, either correlative or preventive, will provide threat resolution information in the form of a vertical maneuver (corrective) or restricted vertical speed range(s) (preventive) that will increase aircrafts separation when the threat aircraft is within approximately 25 seconds from CPA.

Two types of displays are provided to the flight crew. A traffic display indicates the relative position of mode A/C and mode S transponder-equipped aircraft around the TCAS-equipped aircraft. A resolution advisory display indicates the appropriate vertical maneuver or restricted vertical speed range to avoid a threat. The two types of displays may be integrated into the aircraft vertical speed indicator (VSI).

The TCAS system will generate resolution advisories for threat aircraft equipped with operating mode A/C or mode S transponders that provide altitude information. Only traffic alerts can be generated for aircraft with operating mode A/C or mode S transponders that are not providing altitude information. The TCAS system provides no information on aircraft without operating mode A/C or mode S transponders, or aircraft without transponders.

The hardware comprising a TCAS system consists of:
• a transmitter/receiver/computer unit
• one directional and one omnidirectional antenna, or two directional antennas
• one or two mode S transponder(s)
• omnidirectional transponder antennas
• two display units
• a control panel

The block diagram in the following illustration shows a typical TCAS system.

The transmitter/receiver unit transmits the interrogations to nearby aircraft and receivers their replies from the received information, the computer section of the unit calculates the nearby aircraft’s bearing, relative speed, and altitude. If the computed CPA (closest point of approach) predicts a threat, a resolution advisory will be output to the display unit (typically the VSI). Audio alerts are also output over the cockpit audio system (headsets and speaker).

If the intruding aircraft is also TCAS-equipped, a maneuver coordination message will be transmitted to the intruding aircraft via the mode S transponder. This allows both TCAS-equipped aircraft to coordinate the resolution advisor to avoid both aircraft performing the same maneuver; climb, for example. The resolution advisory is based on the predicted (straight-line) flight path of both the intruding aircraft and your own aircraft.


TCC-920 Transponder / TCAS Control Panel


The TTC-920 Transponder/TCAS Control Panel con­trols operation of the TCAS and associated tran­sponder, If the system's vertical speed/TCAS Indica­tor has the optional mode and range switches on it, those functions would not be provided on the TTC- 920 control, as shown above. The type TTC-920A is available for installations in which the side 2 (or right) transponder is a mode C-only type. This the side 2 (or R) transponder is selected, TCAS is disabled.

Controls, control legends, and positions on the pan­el vary with the version of the panel. The variations accommodate the uniqueness of different installa­tions, The following illustration shows all the possi­ble switch locations, The accompanying table lists the variations in legends for each switch. Functions of the switches arc also given for each legend.

Refer to the operating procedures section for operating instructions for the transponder/TCAS control panel.






Selects indicated functions (TEST and STBY apply to both the TCAS and transponder XPDR turns on transponder and leaves TCAS in standby other position enable TCAS and transponder TA ONLY position inhabit RA display.)

Same as above ( TA,TA ONLY)

Doesn't select TEST function ;done by S2

Same as above

Same as above (AUTO),( TA/RA)
Not present



Function are on S1or S3 switches

Selects self test for both TCAS and transponder.

Enables transponder IDENT if not on S3

Not present


Function It on S2 switch,

Enable transponder IDENT if not on S2
L. R

1 .STBY.2
                Enables #1or#2, or left or right transponder.

Enable #1 or #2, or left or right transponder ;or places transponder in stand by

Caution: in the TTC-920A control panel the #2 or "R "transponder is non mode S and not compatible with TCAS in this system configuration , selecting "2" or "R" will place the TCAS system in standby. 
Not present


Functions all on other switches

Enables full-time display of TCAS traffic on VSI.

Selects display of  traffic (relative to own-aircraft altitude) of from +9900 ft  to
-2700 ft (ABOVE), + 2700 ft to
-2700ft (N), or + 2700 ft to -9900 ft(BELOW),
Not present


Functions all on other switches,

Select traffic display range (6or12nmi;or 5,10,20,or 40nmi)

Select weather altitude shown on traffic display is absolute or relative altitude
Not present


AL, or
Functions all on other switches

Selects display of traffic {relative to aircraft altitude of from +9900 ft to-2700ft (ABOVE), +2700 ft to-2700 ft (N), or + 2700ft to-9900 ft (BELOW)

Selects whether altitude shown on traffic displays is absolute or relative altitude

1. OFF. 2

Enable altitude reporting on transponder.

Caution: TCAS REQUIRES own aircraft altitude setting switch in "OFF" will place till TCAS system in standby

Selects source of altitude information and turns altitude reporting on for transponder system
Caution : TCAS REQUIRES own aircraft altitude setting switch in "OFF" will place till TCAS system in standby

Selects whether altitude shown on traffic display absolute or relative altitude

0000 through
7777 as selected.
Selects transponder code (display in window)  
(If Present)
Indicates failure in transponder, control panel, antennas, or air data system when lamp remains lit.

Indicator lights momentarily when in test mode to verify operation of indicator and enabling of test mode in transponder


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